Patient Bill of Rights
PRxP Patients have the right to expect their pharmacist to:
1. Be professionally competent and adhere to acceptable standards of pharmacy practice.
2. Treat them with dignity, consistent with professional standards for all patients, regardless of manner of payment, race, sex, age, nationality, religion, disability, or other discriminatory factors.
3. Patients have the right to determine whether personal health information will be shared with the Patient Management Program. If patients choose to opt in to the program then pharmacists shall act in their best interest when making medication and/or treatment care decisions giving the patient the right to decline participation, revoke consent or disenrolled at any point in time. Coordinate therapies with the patient and family.
4. Serve as their advocate for accurate and appropriate drug therapy and make reasonable efforts to recommend alterative choices in coordination with the patient’s other health care providers.
5. Maintain their medical records, keeping them confidential, using them routinely to maximize their care and making them available to the patient for review upon request.
6. Provide counseling using methods appropriate to the patient’s physical, psychological, and intellectual status.
7. Have their prescriptions dispensed and pharmacy services provided at the pharmacy of their choice in an atmosphere that allows for confidential communication and in an environment that is private, properly lighted, well ventilated, and clean.
8. Monitor drug therapy within their medical regimen for safety and efficacy and make reasonable efforts to detect and prevent drug allergies, adverse reactions, contraindications, or inappropriate dosage.
9. Monitor their compliance and proper drug use and institute remedial interventions when necessary.
10. The Pharmacist shall prominently post the Pharmacy Patient’s Bill of Rights.
PRxP Patients’ rights and responsibilities:
1. Be informed in advance about the service being provided, including modifications to the plan of care
2. Be informed of the charges of care, orally and in writing.
3. Receive information about the scope of services that organization will provide and specific limitations of those services
4. Participate in the development and periodic revision of the plan of care
5. Refuse care or treatment after the consequences of refusing care or treatment are fully presented
6. Be informed of patient rights under state law to formulate an Advanced Directive, if applicable
7. Have one’s property and person treated with respect, consideration and recognition of patient dignity and individuality
8. Be able to identify visiting personnel members through proper identification
9. Be free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown source, and misappropriate of client/patient property
10. Voice grievances/complaints regarding treatment of care, lack of respect of property or recommend changes in policy, personnel or care/service without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal
11. Have grievances/complaints regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished, or lack or respect of property investigated
12. Confidentiality and privacy of all information contained in the patient record and of Protected Health Information
13. Be advised on agency’s policies and procedures regarding the disclosure of clinical records
14. Choose a health care provider, including choosing an attending physician, if applicable
15. Receive appropriate care without discrimination in accordance with physician orders, if applicable
16. Be informed of any financial benefits when referred to an organization
17. Be fully informed of one’s responsibilities.
Patients seeking to file a grievance or complaint may contact the pharmacy’s corporate office directly at 1-855-566-3710 or the Pharmacy’s State Board of Pharmacy.
Download: Patient Bill of Rights